11: 2023/06/21(水) 20:33:53.61
・skip と入力
・Which of the following do you need help with? と聞かれるので Report Wayfarer Abuse
・What issue are you reporting? You will need the Wayspot name and location to submit the report. と聞かれるので Inappropriate Behavior by an Explorer
・What is the Agent Codename/Trainer Nickname of the Wayfarer Explorer you would like to report? と聞かれるので Unknown と入力
・Please describe the incident you would like to report と言われるので具体的に報告。
・skip と入力
・Which of the following do you need help with? と聞かれるので Report Wayfarer Abuse
・What issue are you reporting? You will need the Wayspot name and location to submit the report. と聞かれるので Inappropriate Behavior by an Explorer
・What is the Agent Codename/Trainer Nickname of the Wayfarer Explorer you would like to report? と聞かれるので Unknown と入力
・Please describe the incident you would like to report と言われるので具体的に報告。

12: 2023/06/21(水) 20:47:54.26
source : 徒歩のポケモンまとめブログ